You have access to a limited list of channels due to the activated VPN, or you are in a country where TVteka doesn't work.

Subscription plans


If you want to try TVteka for free, we recommend to use the free «Trial period».

At TVteka there are several types of subscription plans, they differ in price and conditions. You can see all options and their costs at the subscription choosing page.

After choosing a subscription plan simply pay for it, it will immediately take effect.

Change your plan

To change your plan go to the «Subscription» page.
You can change your plan by paying for another one - the already paid subscription period will be saved and recalculated according the new price if you change your plan to the more expensive one.


The new plan term, its price and the set of options take effect immediately from the moment of payment.


If something does not suit you - we offer a money-back guarantee, just write to us.

We are also always ready to help you with any problem you may have. We promise to answer every email.

Billing history

You can check the entire TVteka billing history.

Click on the little man icon in the upper right corner, select «Subscription» in the drop-down menu, and then click on the «Subscription history» or follow the link:

On this page you can view the entire billing history, plan changes, the time and date of payments and the subscription terms.

Do you have any questions or something didn't work out?


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